Tag: art

The Blind Contour

A video presentation of me participating in blind contouring and sharing my experience.

Blind Contour drawing is an exercise done to show an artist’s ability to “see” the lines, shapes, and value of a reference object. The artist cannot lift their pen or pencil from their canvas; the drawing is done with one continuous line.

I did the my blind contour drawing for my art class, Visual Thinking 160. I was interested in how good my eyes were in seeing the lines of an object, and I chose toys for my references.

This exercise relates to visual thinking in that it trains the artist’s eyes to not seeing an object all together, but in pieces. It also builds a sort of trust between the eyes and the hands; without the ability to erase and redo parts of the whole, the hands have to go on the whim of the eyes.

This exercise was very therapeutic, as most projects in this class are, and I was very surprised by how much I loved the outcomes of each reference. I hate making art that isn’t solid or neat, and this broke a mental wall for me; even messy art is good art. I’ll definitely be doing this again.

My First Post!


Hello, lovelies!

I’m so excited about my oncoming experience at Agnes! Before I enrolled, I was terrified about the idea of college. The pandemic, stressful as it may be, was a huge help against this fear; I was so tired of high school by the time it hit and I hated being on standby in life. So, I was suddenly eager for college to start, and ASC has yet to disappoint.

This website, for example, is an incredible surprise. I don’t know if other colleges make this aspect mandatory, or if Agnes Scott’s SUMMIT program is just that awesome (I think that might be the case lol,) but this is an amazing idea! Having the knowledge of web-design alone is very helpful for the world we all live in today. I’m very impressed with this school and how productive it already seems.

I’m excited about my courses this semester as well. I’m taking Visual Thinking 160 with Professor Ruby, Japanese 1 with Suzuki Sensei, Intro to Women’s Studies with Professor Hackett, and Leadership 101: Women Directors with Professor Korol.

I didn’t know how interested I would be in Women’s Studies, but this class is dope! I love the energy and the conversations we’re already having. It may just be my favorite class.

My art class is a close second. I’ve already made a piece and am on my way to revising it. Everything seems to be going by quickly, BUT it’s all at a pace, so I don’t feel overwhelmed. I also really like the people in this course, whether they share my major (Studio Art) or they’re under Art History, they all seem very invested.

I like my Leadership course as well, only we haven’t really done anything related to the name of the course. However, I do appreciate what I’ve learned about being a Scottie, how to utilize the resources in this school, and how to present my work.

My Japanese course is the only class I’m questioning. Don’t get me wrong, the professor is sweet and very helpful with pronunciations and material. I love the idea of learning a whole new language and the content is genuinely interesting, but the planning seems a bit scattered. Fortunately, we do something every call, and I retain something each time. Unfortunately, it’s my latest class so I’m usually exhausted by the time we’re done. I don’t think I’ll drop it or anything, but it feels like I’m more so tolerating it than enjoying it completely.

Overall, I’m loving my college experience. Thank you, Agnes, for making me feel taken care of. It really helps with everything going nowadays.

Until next time <3

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